Articles, Reviews, Tests

Articles, Reviews, Tests
Nowadays, when computer industry is developing way too rapidly, manufacturers are literally “forced” to keep up to date — which can sometimes lead to putting “raw” (unfinished) devices on the market. This tendency makes a definite negative impact on product’s quality. Unfortunately, a hard disk drive industry itself is not an exception. With huge sales volume and poor quality, hard drives are eventually “making friends with troubles” (e.g. when the system is unable to detect the drive and so on)... There are cases when drive starts clicking or makes raspy or hissing noises — in 70% cases it means a “dead” head or preamplifier. In this case a surgery — head stack replacement or preamplifier re-soldering is needed.
Nowadays, more and more users prefer a compact and inexpensive notebook to a desktop PC. There is a vast choice of notebooks of different types on the market, from simple laptops based on Intel Celeron processors, up to powerful mobile stations based on AMD 64-bit processors. An average laptop carries one hard drive of 20 to 120 GB; there are also two-HDD portable systems, but they are rare. The purpose of this article is to help to make a right choice from the whole variety of existing notebook hard disk drives which user can find on the market.
This is an adapter which allows you to connect a Seagate drive to the COM port, allowing to access TMOS using any terminal program.