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Atola Imager Disk Sense Unit

April 15th, 2015, 1:06

Will the Atola Imager DiskSense unit continue to function correctly and be supported? I understand the software updates will cease after June 2015. Please confirm that the unit will still function correctly after the software updates cease?

Re: Atola Imager Disk Sense Unit

April 15th, 2015, 2:39

the so called "EOL" is a misleading expression - its just for advising that there wont be any
software upgrades any more after June 2015.

Certainly the unit will continue to work with the installed software version - and one is also
able to reinstall the Atola unit to an other pc with that software release which is covered by
the last activation period = either the last version from within the warranty period after
buying the unit - or the last version from within the last (optional) subscription period.

For those who are still covered with one of the above periods, there is a final software release
3.5 expected to be released the next days - you should be notified when its published the first
time you run your system and you are online in the internet with your pc.

If you are not covered for upgrade - its really recommended to subscribe, the price is low and
it includes all the upgrades of the past - even if you have missed a longer period.

For those who own an Atola Insight (USB or Ethernet) a reminder - Atola offers a very attractive
upgrade scheme to the outstanding Atola Insight Forensic - which not only offers increadible
speed in cloning, but also all and more of the DR features of the previous model (USB/Ethernet).

And .... the scheme also offers to still keep the previous model .. so its definitely worth it to
have the last upgrade for that too :D

contacts: http://www.atola.com . . . . . . http://www.atola-europe.com

and your local reseller/distributor


Re: Atola Imager Disk Sense Unit

April 15th, 2015, 2:54

I do confirm. Your current working Insight/Imager version and DiskSense unit will remain working fine.

Additionally, Lifetime warranty should also be active but only as long as your subscription is active. That implies you can still count on free support and unit repair having an active subscription: http://old-insight.atola.com/warranty.html

June, 2015 deadline just means there will be no new software updates released for old Insight anymore. Nothing else.
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