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Re: Professional Hard Drive and PCB Supplier - Over 10k Driv

January 14th, 2013, 5:14

pcimage wrote:I have relationship/affiliation with DD or SD.

You forgot a "no" :D

Re: Professional Hard Drive and PCB Supplier - Over 10k Driv

January 14th, 2013, 6:04

Thank You for the reply. The NVRAM corruption was confirmed by SD Support themselves. They suggested to go for a Donor. But even donor had corrupted Modules. What to do ????

Re: Professional Hard Drive and PCB Supplier - Over 10k Driv

January 14th, 2013, 16:02

northwind wrote:
pcimage wrote:I have relationship/affiliation with DD or SD.

You forgot a "no" :D


Yes of course, I have NO relationship/affililiation!! :oops:

Re: Professional Hard Drive and PCB Supplier - Over 10k Driv

January 14th, 2013, 16:06

vmsameer wrote:Thank You for the reply. The NVRAM corruption was confirmed by SD Support themselves. They suggested to go for a Donor. But even donor had corrupted Modules. What to do ????

Not quite sure how any damaged modules on the donor would affect it's ability to act as a donor for NVRAM rebuild, which is what I assume SD meant you to do.

For this you need (ideally) is a working donor of the same ROM version and head map, then use the NVRAM SA start search routine, it can take a couple of days or more.

Re: Professional Hard Drive and PCB Supplier - Over 10k Driv

March 7th, 2013, 17:16

I am sorry it took so long for reply, as I have been very busy lately and wasn't checking the forums. Which email did you send it to? We never ignore emails, even if they are ludicrous. I am not sure what might have happened there, and I apologize.
Generally, we offer following options:
1. You can return item for a full refund
2. We can provide PC3000 backup of firmware
3. Provide limited data recovery support to potentially help resolve the issue.

Unfortunately we do not have SalvationData products, so we wouldn't be able to send you the modules in that format. We check if hard drive works by reading / writing test. Logically speaking, if some modules didn't read, it means that they are useless for HDD operation, and should not even be a concern to your recovery project.
Please email me at if you have any questions.
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